Kids Ministry

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids (ages 4-10) remain with the adults for prayer, praise and announcements at our Sunday services. At around 4:40 PM, Kingdom Kids gather around the Word of God and engage in a simple DBS (Discovery Bible Study). After hearing the Bible story, the children discuss what God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is doing in the story, what people are doing, what our obedient response should be to the Scripture (life application), and with whom we can share this story (this Good News). 

Our Mission

Our mission is to train and equip the youngest members of God’s family.

The purpose of our Children’s Ministry is to teach our children how to live out the disciplines of walking with Jesus through personal time with Jesus, prayer, worship, discipleship, and evangelism.

Disciple Makers

We have a committed, dynamic, rotating team of “disciple-making” adults who lead the Kingdom Kids every Sunday. (Each adult has been asked to complete a background check). The last Sunday of every month, we have Family Sunday so that families can remain together for the entire worship service; we will, however, provide nursery care on those special Sundays.

Our kids are growing in their knowledge, understanding and obedience to God’s Word. The DBS lasts about 20-25 minutes and then the children can play until 5:30 PM when parents are asked to pick up their children.

Our Goals

Our goal for The Antioch Boone Kid’s Ministry is to undergird families in training and equipping their children to be world-changers.
  1. We see our children as the new influences for the Kingdom of God and every area of society and into the nations of the world.
  2. Help provide a strong foundation in God’s Word.
  3. Establish a knowledge and understanding of the Father Heart of God, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and the filling and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Impart a core value that even as children, each one is a missionary and minister of the Good News and everywhere is a mission field.
  5. Train up children in their identity: to understand their great value as sons and daughters of the King, to know the great love of their heavenly Father, and to understand that God has a wonderful destiny and purpose for them.
  6. Train our children to learn how to hear God and to trust and obey Him with joy.

Age Groups

We have kids ministry for boys and girls of all ages, including:

  • Nursery
  • Praising Preschoolers
  • Boys and Girls on Mission
  • Pathfinders Youth